Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Where All Things Are Possible

You must unlearn what
you've been programmed
to believe since birth.
That software no longer
serves you if you want
to live in a world where
all things are possible.

Jacqueline E. Purcell

Unexamined Beliefs

Among the biggest impediments on the spiritual path are our unexamined beliefs about life, about truth, and about ourselves. To be truly available for transformation, we must release ourselves from those limiting beliefs. We don't necessarily have to get rid of our beliefs; beliefs have their functions. Rather, we learn to let go of our beliefs, which is also to let go of our identity.

Jon Bernie

Go Crazy

Some people never go crazy.
What truly horrible lives
they must lead.

Charles Bukowski

Coming Home to Roost

Of course there may still be what I like to call "ego flare-ups," but that's inevitable and entirely to be expected. It's just the chickens coming home to roost. Eventually, all you scattered parts - the part of you that have been repressed, cut off, marginalized, or just forgotten - return home to be integrated. Then come back to be forgiven, to be loved, to be embraced - and finally to be appreciated because they are the fuel for the fire of transformation.

Jon Bernie

People Who Are Helping

When I was a boy and I would see
scary things on the news, my mother
would say to me, "Look for the helpers.
You will always find people who are helping."

Fred Rogers

Friday, May 19, 2017

Love All

Love all,
trust a few,
do wrong to none.

William Shakespeare


Forgiveness means
giving up all hope
of a better past.

Landrum Bolling


Politics is about establishing
a shared sense of reality
with like-minded people.
It's not about facts.

Brian Resnick

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Right Here Right Now

The first step is simply to
arrive, fully, in this moment
and to allow what is to be as
it is, right here, right now.

Joe Bernie


Courage is to tell the story
of who you are
with your whole heart.

Brene Brown

Making the Unknown Known

Whether you succeed or
not is irrelevant.
There's no such thing.
Making the unknown known
is what is important.

Georgia O'Keeffe

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Be the Change

Be the change
you wish to see
in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

Our Job

Our job is unconditional love.
The job of everyone else in
our life is to push our buttons.

Byron Katie

Seemingly Unremarkable

Many poets and sages
throughout the ages,
have observed that
true happiness -
I call it the joy of being -
is found in
simple, seemingly
unremarkable things.

Eckhart Tolle


You will receive everything you need when
you stop asking for what you do not need.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Nothing can trouble you
but your own imagination.

Nisargadatta Maharaj


There is no great genius
without a tincture of madness.


Learn From It

A mistake is not a mistake
if you learn from it.

Nico Montsho

No Longer

Carry thy sword until thou
canst no longer carry it.

George Fox

Three Things to Remember

As long as you're dancing,
you can break the rules.
Sometimes breaking the rules is
just extending the rules.
Sometimes there are no rules.

Mary Oliver