Thursday, September 12, 2019

Peace in the Present

No one can get to "a better place"
and be here at the same time.
Ironically, the contradiction of
fixing and striving results in exactly
what we do not want: a not-presence.
Peace in the present cannot be found
by seeking it in the future.

Judy Cohen

Where Are You Going?

Actually, all paths lead away from the truth ... how's that?
All paths. There's no such thing as a path to the truth.
The truth's already here. Where are you going?


Sickness is a Guru

Sickness is a guru.

Tibetan Saying

No Downside

There's no downside
to a clear mind.

Byron Katie

Function of the Poet

The function of the poet is to find
out what part of the mythology
is useful in his lifetime.

Gary Snyder