than the seat can endure.
Winston Churchill
These quotes come from a wide variety of sources and have always rung true for me or at least made me think. As you read them, you'll get to know me better.
Billy Crystal
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Leonard Cohen
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Gregory Hoskins
Dan Metevier
Leonard Cohen
Stephen Jenkinson
Rainer Maria Rilke
Greek Proverb
Stephen Jenkinson
Leonard Cohen
Stephen Jenkinson
Ram Dass
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
The grief that's for real, the big one, it comes from a recognition of the way life is and must be, that it requires death to be able to continue because death feeds everything that lives. The recognition that that's the case and that it includes, not just you, that's the easy part to see, but it includes the people that you love and the things that you don't want to end. That's grief and it's not personal. But the key, the real skill to being grateful is not to be grateful for the stuff that benefits you. That's easy. What about being grateful for the stuff that doesn't benefit you in the least, but you're grateful that it's in the world? Now you're getting somewhere.
Stephen Jenkinson
Someone who's dying has a job description in front of them. No one asked them to do it. Their job is to die I'm going to say extravagantly instead of well. To set the banquet table that should be spilled in the wake of their dying, where everyone who ever knew them, or whoever wanted to, or whoever didn't want to, is invited. And the storytelling that ensues is the feast.
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
U.G. Krishnamurti
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Zen Proverb
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Stephen Jenkinson
Glinda the Good Witch (Wizard of Oz)
Kevin Trudeau
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Terence McKenna
Mary Oliver
Isadora Duncan
Thomas a Kempis
Rainer Maria Rilke
Terence McKenna
Alan Watts
Rosanne Rozannadanna (played by Gilda Radner)
Lao Tzu
Chicago Transit Authority/Chicago
For those of you who are on your spiritual journey, regardless of whether you're at the beginning or on the path for many years, the one thing you need to be absolutely honest about, the one question you need to get really clear on is: "What is more important to me - do I want to feel good or do I want to know what's true? And the reason you need to ask yourself that question is this: the vast majority of truth seekers out there aren't really in it for the truth. They THINK they are, but they're not. They're in it to feel good, to feel better. And that's why the spiritual industry has turned into a multi-billion-dollar market designed to provide you with strategies on how to feel good about yourself. But it isn't about the truth, it never was, because truth doesn't always feel good. In fact, it rarely ever does and what feels good is rarely ever true. There are a million and one ways to feel good but only one way to see the truth. The question is: what do you really want? You may say you want the truth but can you handle the truth?
Shiv Sengupta
Shiv Sengupta
Albert Camus
Eugene Ionesco
Mark Groves
Steven Wright
Steven Wright
Stephen Levine
Stephen Levine
Stephen Levine
Oscar Hammerstein II
Woody Allen
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Amanda Gorman
Mary Oliver
Erin Chatters
Barry Stevens
When I was small, I use to see a vision of the world, with people sticking out all over it sort of like straight-up hairs from a head, and each of the people was bowing to someone else. All of them. Nobody was doing what he wanted to. In such a world, everyone was left out. This was no world for me.
Barry Stevens
Barry Stevens
Barry Stevens
Albert Einstein
Penney Pierce
Carol Adrienne
Carol Adrienne
Fritz Perls
Terence McKenna
Terence McKenna
It means a great divide has been crossed when you can say that ["It's true enough"] because it means you understand now that you are no longer a fairy in a platonic super world but that you are actually a monkey with a brain full of mush trying to sort out, you know, what's right in front of you.
Terence McKenna
All you need to do to get free of pain, to get un-stupid, is to be willing to be aware of anything that enters your consciousness ... The way out, as hard as it may be to believe, is not by resisting further, by moving the furniture around, but by being willing to conceive of it - by loving it, in short. As we should have done in the first place ... My catch-all phrase is: "I wouldn't deny that experience to the One Mind."
Thaddeus Golas
This is not attainable, to eliminate our humanity by reaching this exalted state. It is not attainable. The attempt to attain this unattainable state has become in itself a cause of depression for people. So it becomes one more layer where they're not enough, they've failed, they haven't got it, they're doing something wrong, and it becomes one more layer of imperfection and it just doesn't seem fair when life is hard enough.
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Alan Watts
Judy Cohen
Alan Watts
Alan Watts
Judy Cohen
Byron Katie
Byron Katie
One of the things that I have found and was a great relief for me when I came to see this was that the experience of this existence, there are so many versions, it's completely infinite and so whatever you have discovered for yourself in terms of what bliss is, what enlightenment is, what understanding is, that's been done. It's not going to look like that for anybody else.
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Coleman Barks
The universe is of the nature of a thought or sensation in a universal Mind. To put the conclusion crudely - the stuff of the world is mind-stuff. As is often the way with crude statements, I shall have to explain that by "mind" I do not exactly mean mind and by "stuff" I do not at all mean stuff. Still, that is about as near as we can get to the idea in a simple phrase.
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
Coleman Barks
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Judy Cohen
As a way to make the dream world less painful, it's great. And why wouldn't you want to do that? If you did nothing but that, fab! If we can find a way to not hurt, why wouldn't we want to do that?
(Luckily, eventually Judy came to see that the methods she was trained and certified in actually perpetuated, strengthened, the sense of self as damaged.)
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
You can't get free of the self via the self. You can't question the self and expect to get beyond it. How would that work? You can't solve the issues of the mind, the problems that appear in our lives, that mind has created, problems that thought has created, you can't solve them with thought. It doesn't want to, or it wouldn't have created these issues to begin with.
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Most people think enlightenment is like an unending satori experience. But that misunderstanding will get you to do more "tail chasing" than you ever dreamed possible. In the end, enlightenment has very little to do with enlightenment experiences. It is simply not perceiving through the lens of ego.
Anthony de Mello
Rupert Spira
There is no permanent state of clarity. We don't wake up forever. We wake up only now. People have these wonderful experiences of spiritual opening, and that's not it. As soon as they think, "I want this to last forever," they've moved into the future and lost the reality. THIS is it, right now. It's that simple. Only this exists.
Byron Katie
Ultimately it is recognized that boundlessness is equally present as tension, contraction, dullness, boredom, depression, anxiety, restlessness, agitation, anger, worry, upset, addiction, and all other forms of overcast, cloudy, turbulent, or stormy weather. Nothing is left out. Waking up is not a perpetually sunny day.
Joan Tollifson
Tony Parsons
Alan Watts
Tim Freke
Alan Watts
Shiv Sengupta
Shiv Sengupta
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Shams of Tabriz
Shiv Sengupta
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Coleman Hawks
Coleman Hawks
Byron Katie
Byron Katie
If I still believed my thoughts, I would pray for one thing first: to be spared from the desire for love. This desire causes nothing but confusion and misery. It shuts down the awareness of what you already have in reality. It's painful to seek what you can never have outside yourself.
Byron Katie
Shiv Sengupta
Friedrich Nietzche
Anthony de Mello
Judy Cohen
William Shakespeare, "As You Like It"
Meister Eckhart
Joan Tollifson
Zen Saying
Eckhart Tolle
Practice is not about overcoming human problems. It's not about becoming serene and transcendent. It's about embracing our lives as they really are, and understanding at every point how deep and profound and gorgeous everything is - even the suffering, even the difficulty. So we forgive ourselves for our limitations, and we forgive this world for its pain. We don't say, "That's not pain." It is pain. You don't say, "It's not difficulty." It is difficult. But when we embrace the difficulty we see this is exactly the difficulty we need, and this difficulty is the most beautiful and poignant thing in this world.
Norman Fischer
John Tarrant
"All paths lead to the truth" is a saying often used to validate different spiritual approaches. I see it differently: "all paths lead away from the truth," because they draw us away from whatever it is we are experiencing in the moment towards something that we feel, or are told, we ought to be experiencing.
Shiv Sengupta
Joan Tollifson
Meiser Eckhart
Shiv Sengupta
We hate the new, and the sooner we face up to that fact, the better. We don't want new things, particularly when they're disturbing, particularly when they involve change. Most particularly, if they involve saying, "I was wrong."
Anthony de Mello
Shiv Sengupta
There is always a next step that is relevant and appropriate to whatever situation you are in. Yet, often we are more obsessed with the "final step" and somehow arriving there without realizing that that final step is just another NEXT STEP in a series of next steps. And that there are always steps beyond that final step - for nothing is ever truly final.
Shiv Sengupta
Shiv Sengupta
Rupert Spira
Suzuki Roshi replied, "No reason."
Shunryu Suzuki
Judy Cohen
Byron Katie
Gary Tzu
Wayne Dyer
Anthony de Mello
Walt Whitman
June Callwood
Anthony de Mello
Don Joseph Goewey
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan
The final disappearance of insecurity feelings will only come when you have attained that blessed ability of the birds of the air and the flowers of the field to live fully in the present, one moment at a time. The present moment, no matter how painful, is never unbearable.
Anthony de Mello
If there is anything I can do about the future, right now, I shall do it. Then I'm going to just leave it alone and settle down to enjoy the present moment because all the experience of my life has shown me that I can only cope with things when they are present, not before they occur. And that the present always gives me the resources and the energy I need to deal with them.
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Byron Katie
Anthony de Mello
Byron Katie
It is a sobering thought that the finest act of love you can perform is not an act of service but an act of contemplation, of seeing. When you serve people you help, support, comfort, alleviate pain. When you see them in their inner beauty and goodness you transform and create.
Anthony de Mello
Can you imagine a life in which you refuse to enjoy a single word of approval and appreciation, or to lean on someone's arm; in which you depend on no one emotionally, so no one has the power to make you happy or miserable anymore; you refuse to need any particular person or to be special to anyone or to call anyone your own?
Anthony de Mello
Anthony De Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
The child, like the innocent animal, surrenders to its nature to be and become quite simply what it is. Adults who have preserved their innocence also surrender like the child to the impulse of Nature or Destiny without a thought to become somebody or to impress others; but, unlike the child, they rely, not on instinct, but on ceaseless awareness of everything in them and around them; that awareness shields them from evil and brings about the growth that was intended for them by Nature.
Anthony de Mello
The first quality that strikes one when one looks into the eyes of a child is its innocence: its lovely inability to lie or wear a mask or pretend to bay anything other than what it is. In this, the child is exactly like the rest of Nature.
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Dan Metevier (paraphrasing Byron Katie)
The simplest thing one can say about the experiential knowledge of awakening is that it is a shift in one's perception. This is the heart of awakening. There is a shift of perception from seeing oneself as an isolated individual to seeing oneself, if we have a sense of self at all after this shift, as something much more universal - everything and everyone and everywhere at the same time.
Marcus Aurelius
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Lao Tzu
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; taking this world as it is and not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.
Reinhold Niebuhr
Byron Katie
Thomas Aquinas
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Chinese Saying (per Anthony de Mello)
Chinese Saying (per Anthony de Mello)
Anthony de Mello
Anthony de Mello
Here's how. Answer the questions that arise for you, yourself.
Is there a self? Are you everything, or nothing? Do you die? What is consciousness? What are you? Do you have free will? What cares about any of that? What cares if you have free will? What wants to know?
Ask yourself. Answer yourself.
Judy Cohen
I can only think seriously of trying to live up to an ideal if I am split into two pieces. There must be a good "I" who is going to improve the bad "me." "I," who has the best intentions, will go to work on wayward "me," and the tussle between the two will very much stress the difference between them. Consequently "I" will feel more separate than ever, and so merely increase the lonely and cut-off feelings which make "me" behave so badly.
Alan Watts
Lin Chi (Linji)
Alan Watts
Alan Watts
There may be a surprising freedom in acknowledging that dependence on reflection and so-called other people's so-called thoughts is the only thing that proves us. There may be a surprising freedom in seeing that no image, thought, or persona can make nothing into something. Noticing how you try to control other people's thoughts could turn out to be a great doorway into discovering what's real and what isn't.
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Charlotte Joko Beck
Charlotte Joko Beck
Charlotte Joko Beck
Ramana Maharshi
John Tarrant
John Tarrant
Brian Howlett
John Tarrant
John Tarrant
Shunryu Suzuki
John Tarrant
John Tarrant
Shiv Sengupta
Seng-ts'an (Third Founding Teacher of Zen)
Baruch Spinoza
Albert Einstein
Chalon Bridges
Eckhart Tolle
Unknown (quoted by Michael A. Singer)
Michael A. Singer
Michael A. Singer
Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi
Seng Ts'an, the Third Patriarch of Zen
Lori Gottlieb
Tara Brach
The moment in front of you that you deal with, have so much trouble with at any given time, the moment in front of you is not bothering you. You are bothering yourself about the moment in front of you.
Michael A. Singer