we need to do something different
and that requires an open mind.
Otherwise, we're locked into
what we've always been doing
and there's no option but pain.
Judy Cohen
These quotes come from a wide variety of sources and have always rung true for me or at least made me think. As you read them, you'll get to know me better.
Judy Cohen
Robert Saltzman
Robert Saltzman
Lao Tzu
Judy Cohen
Albert Einstein
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Jed McKenna
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Robert Saltzman
Robert Saltzman
Ramana Maharshi
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Ram Dass
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Pema Chodron
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Judy Cohen
Ram Dass
Shunryu Suzuki
Shunryu Suzuki
Carl W. Buechner
We have to start out from somewhere, we can't start out being nobody. The force of "somebody-ness" that develops the survival mechanisms is our starting point. It is the freedom of non-clinging to models about self and other that you begin to tune to and hear the way of things, called the Tao or the Divine Law. When you respect that tuning in yourself, actions that flow from you start to become dharmic. They are acts that release beings from suffering and do not perpetuate the illusion of separate self.
Ram Dass
Ram Dass
Ram Dass
Ram Dass
Maya Angelou
The Buddha
Pablo Picasso
Walt Whitman