Friday, May 8, 2020

Exactly As It Is

It is so precious, just to be able to sit in this open space together, where nothing needs to be resolved or solved; where we don't need to fix ourselves or be fixed; where our burning questions don't need to be answered; where, finally, our questions are allowed to just be questions; where our uncertainty doesn't need to be transformed into certainty; where our doubts are finally given permission to just be doubts. Here, in this warm embrace that we are, in this place of true meditation without a meditator, without a destination, without a controller, we don't need to find the answers, we don't need to come to any mental conclusions about life, we don't need to work everything out, we don't need to "know," because finally, all our wondering and our wandering, our trying-to-work-it-all-out and our trying-to-make-it-all-work, our exhausting seeking and searching and our desperation to find answers, is all just allowed to be here, exactly as it is.

Jeff Foster

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